There are many articles about men teaching published on the web, in newspapers, magazines, on the radio and televison. Some will require registering to the news service. Others may require a fee. If you find any errors - please notify us about a bad link

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A man's touch: We need more men teaching in schools. But what sort of men and why?

The more I learn about my eight year-old son's teacher, the more I am impressed. My boy says he likes him because he's funny and he's kind and has taught the class to play this bonkers game called Crab Football, which makes them laugh like drains. I like him too and for all the same reasons but also because he expects good work and behaviour from his class. And at parents' evening last week, which I was unable to attend, my wife Sheila learned something more.

The teacher praised our son, especially for his maths at which he excels (no thanks, I should acknowledge, to his dad). One thing, though, wasn't quite right. The teacher had noticed a reticent streak in the child, one that tends to surface when he's asked to provide something more than a factual answer to a question, when something more verbal, more personal is required. This shrinking from the spotlight isn't difficult to spot but what pleased Sheila was that the teacher took it so seriously. Soon, he explained, some special drama classes would be offered to children who were interested. These were excellent for building confidence and communication skills. He is determined that our son shall go.

Guardian Unlimited - UK

Read the article.

Single-Sex Ed 101

Not long ago, the idea that American public schools should offer separate classes for boys and girls would have been regarded as retrograde; in the late 1980s, single-sex public schools had almost disappeared. But during the last decade, single-sex education has come to seem cutting-edge once again, backed by a startling rise of bipartisan support. In October, the Department of Education announced new federal regulations making it easier for public schools to become single-sex institutions, provided that "substantially equal" opportunities are available to the other sex. Part of the impetus behind the new rules is simply Americans' love of choice. As a Department of Education spokeswoman told me, single-sex schools will aid families by adding "one more tool to the toolbox." But part of it is the belief that single-sex schools will be a panacea for struggling boys and girls: Some of the staunchest advocates of alternatives to co-education are preaching new approaches based on magnifying, rather than trying to overcome, gender differences.

Read the article.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Challenges of a First Grade Teacher

A first grade teacher reports in his blog about the challenges a male teacher faces working with children.

Alternate Title: The Joys of Teaching
Alternate Alternate Title: Just Another Day in 1st Grade

One of my resource kids came up missing for a short time yesterday. I left the student teacher in charge, went looking for him, and found him in the stall in the boys bathroom.

"B, honey? Is everything OK in there?"


"Hurry up please, it's time to go to Resource."


As I'm walking off I look to the ground and notice poo. Lots of it. Some clumped, some puddled, but all on the floor in the stall.

Read his blog.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Legal issues of accusations

There is an interesting discussion about hugging children in the Atlanta newspaper.

Here is one excerpt:

As to the male teachers:

Remember I’m a lawyer - I do criminal cases. I’m by nature somewhat conservative. My point of view is skewed by my work where I walk into these disasters and try to throw enough oil on the water to get a resolution people can live with. Around here misdemeanor sexual battery is a lifetime sex offender registration. That penalty is so draconian you might have to jump on a simple battery plea to avoid the risk of losing the original charge at trial even if you could probably beat it. Or go to trial, pay the attorney and take the chances. In CA in sex cases your prior sexuality will probably come into evidence so kiss your privacy goodbye.

Read the posting.

Give Me a Hug

I’m observing in a classroom this week and, as usual, learning a lot. This elementary school teacher - the same one who dares light candles in his classroom - is a self-proclaimed hugger. He hugs his students. He hugs the newspaper reporter. Students seem to associate his room with a place where hugs are available and therefore sought hugs from me. I was happy to oblige.

I know some teachers do not feel comfortable hugging their students. They fear a misinterpretation by parents or other staff members. No one wants to invite litigation. But still I can’t help thinking these kids respond to this teacher and work hard on their schoolwork to please him in part because of his willingness to provide the affection they crave.

Teachers, do you hug your students? Parents, do you want your teacher to hug your child? Is this a sticky issue in some schools?

Read the comments.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Gender perception contributes to male teacher drought

Male teachers have always been a minority in elementary schools, and their numbers have dropped to a 40-year low, a National Education Association survey indicates.

The numbers fell from a 1981 national all-time high of 18 percent to 9 percent in 2003.

Three hundred of the 2,775 elementary school teachers in Pima County are men. That's 10.7 percent.

While historical numbers for Pima County are not available, experts say the Tucson area generally follows the national trend, even though it's slightly above the national average.

Read the article.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS: Students' diversity outweighs teachers'

Brittany Waller attended schools in Orange County for most of her school career. In all those years, in private and public schools, she never had a ... black teacher.

Well, one — if mothers count.

"My mother was the gym teacher at Harmony (Christian School) for a while," Brittany said. "Having (others) would have been a nice encouragement."

Brittany's experience is not unusual. As classrooms in such districts as Middletown, Newburgh, Monticello and Ellenville grow more diverse, the teaching force remains overwhelmingly white — on average, about 87 percent.

Times Herald-Record - Middletown, NY, USA

Read the article.

Gender perception contributes to male teacher drought

Male teachers have always been a minority in elementary schools, and their numbers have dropped to a 40-year low, a National Education Association survey indicates.

The numbers fell from a 1981 national all-time high of 18 percent to 9 percent in 2003.

Three hundred of the 2,775 elementary school teachers in Pima County are men. That's 10.7 percent.

While historical numbers for Pima County are not available, experts say the Tucson area generally follows the national trend, even though it's slightly above the national average.

"The lack of male (elementary school) teachers has been a pattern," said Ed Kowlaczyk, a former elementary school teacher and current Tucson Unified School District technology integration specialist.

It gets worse the lower the elementary grade.

Read the article.

Gender perception contributes to male teacher drought

Male teachers have always been a minority in elementary schools, and their numbers have dropped to a 40-year low, a National Education Association survey indicates.

The numbers fell from a 1981 national all-time high of 18 percent to 9 percent in 2003.

Three hundred of the 2,775 elementary school teachers in Pima County are men. That's 10.7 percent.

While historical numbers for Pima County are not available, experts say the Tucson area generally follows the national trend, even though it's slightly above the national average.

"The lack of male (elementary school) teachers has been a pattern," said Ed Kowlaczyk, a former elementary school teacher and current Tucson Unified School District technology integration specialist.

It gets worse the lower the elementary grade.

Read the article.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Be a leader, not a follower

Role models strive to save young black men from negative stereotypes

In elementary school, Lionel Frederick could not sit still.

His Somerset County teachers often sent notes home to his mother that he was talking or walking around the classroom.

"I would sit and talk with him and tell him it's disrespectful for the children and teacher," said his mother, Rebecca Jones-Frederick. "(He) would be good for a week or two and then they would call me again."

By the eighth grade, Frederick's mother and teachers saw a drastic change in him. He stopped thinking it was cool to be a class clown. His grades dropped and he knew the road he was headed down wouldn't lead him to a successful future.

Delmarva Daily Times - MD, USA

Read the article.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Case for Male Teachers

The lack of male teachers is a problem in America’s school system.

Public education is being forever derided for its shortfalls, but the voices of discontent are largely overlooking one unsettling trend in public education: About 80 percent of America’s teachers are female.

Does this really constitute a crisis? To many, it would seem unlikely that a teacher’s gender would affect students academically. One plus one equals two, no matter who teaches it, right? A recent study performed by Thomas S. Dee, an economist at Swarthmore College, indicates otherwise. - Edmond, OK, USA

Read the article.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Single-sex learning

Lorraine Ann Taylor's fourth-grade girls are working on their writing assignment, drawing up a list of things they are good at, mostly sitting in groups and minding their teacher's request to speak in their "whisper voices."

Across the hall at Lyseth Elementary School in Portland, Paul MacDowell's fourth-grade boys are sprawled on the floor or standing at desks. They're putting finishing touches on cardboard shields that theywill later emblazon with Greek letters. Soon the boys will take a quick break to do a few leg raises and squats before carrying on with their work.

Both classrooms are involved in a two-year experiment to see whether separating girls and boys will lead to better learning. For half of the day the children separate by gender for mathematics and reading, and then recombine for science and social studies. - Portland, ME, USA

Read the article.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Against Single-Sex Public Schools

Claims about gender differences in education are greatly exaggerated.

DO BOYS and girls learn so differently that they need to be in separate classrooms?

That's the question stirring a national debate as the U.S. Department of Education prepares to issue regulations allowing public schools to set up single-sex classes and schools without being vulnerable to discrimination lawsuits under Title IX, which prohibits discrimination in schools.

Are single-sex classrooms the magic bullet that will produce academic achievement in public schools? Or are they simply a trendy idea based on bad science and even worse public policy? There's a real worry that the latter could be the case.

Los Angeles Times - CA, USA

Read the Article.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Study links gender to learning

Education scholar finds girls learn better from women, boys from men

Gender matters when it comes to learning.

Boys and girls learn better from a teacher of the same sex, according to a recent study attracting the attention of educators across the country.

In the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District, having a balance of male and female teachers is a priority, said curriculum director Sandi Novak.

"You always try to hire the best candidate regardless of sex," Novak said. "But you want that balance, too."

At Nicollet Junior High in Burnsville, administrators looked at gender and chose single-sex classes as a remedy. And it appears to be working.

Pioneer Press - St. Paul, MN, USA

Read the article.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Shortage of male role models in primary schools — only 22% men

Many students in this district might not experience a male teacher until they hit high school and it appears some schools are at odds with the Ministry of Education as to whether this is a concern.

Figures from teacher payroll data show that at state and state-integrated primary schools in the Gisborne region in 2006, only 22 percent of teachers were male

Of the 21 new teachers beginning in Gisborne state and state-integrated primary schools last year, only four were male.

This was a big gap in gender for the region and there was always a need to have a balance, said leadership and management adviser at School Support Services, Don Niven.

"Men have a different perspective and at the moment there are some schools where students can go right through to high school before having a male teacher," he said.

Read the article.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Schools need male teachers in classrooms

Teaching has always been a female-dominated profession. But men are becoming an increasing minority in classrooms, particularly in elementary schools, where they may be needed now more than ever.

In 1981, the high-water mark for male teachers, men accounted for a third of all teachers and 18 percent at the elementary level. Men now account for 21 percent of the teaching force and a scant 9 percent at the elementary level.

Amid the reasons experts and pundits alike offer is pay and prestige. Teaching has historically trailed other avocations in pay. As late as the early 20th century, it was not unusual for districts to have two pay scales, one for women and another for men that was 30 percent to 40 percent higher.

Add to that the distinction that teaching was a "women's" profession. America sends men a contradictory message: Be strong and a good financial provider, yet be nurturing as a father.

While some men can do both those things, as teaching demands, many others pay more heed to the financial end of the equation and bypass teaching. But are low pay and job prestige the only reasons men are shying away from becoming teachers? - Detroit, MI, USA

Read the article.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sometimes kids need hugs, teacher says

As an early childhood teacher, Dylan Topping says displaying affection towards children was of "incredible importance".

But up until now, his union has advised him not to have physical contact with children.

The conviction of Peter Ellis for sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre resulted in the New Zealand Educational Institute drawing up a code in 1998 which warned against touching children as it could be misconstrued.

But today the union, which represents staff at primary schools, early childcare centres and special education centres, launched new guidelines on physical contact which encourage "positive and affirming" contact to provide emotional support or to praise a child.

New Zealand Herald - New Zealand

Read the article.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Maylasia: Where have all the good men gone?

SOMEONE said to me the other day, “Have you ever wondered why there always seems to be more women than men in the teaching profession?”

When you think about it, the word “more” itself is an understatement really because in almost every school I’ve been in, lady teachers far outnumbered the men. The ratio of women to men, on average, was something like 4:1.

“It’s one of those things that we’ve lived with for so long and grown so accustomed to that we no longer find it unusual,” said Lyn, who has been teaching in the same school for 15 years.

“Like the holes on the cement floor along the school corridors, classroom fans that don’t work throughout the year, correction fluid graffiti on desks, whole stacks of blank answer scripts from the weak classes.”

“Anyway what’s wrong with a four to one ratio?” asked History teacher Encik Azmi, with a wink and nudge to his good friend and colleague Mr Tan.

“Four ladies to one man. I don’t mind at all. Pretty good balance eh, what do you think Tan?”

Read the article.

Malaysia Star - Malaysia

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Man in charge: Cape elementary sees first male teacher in 10 years

What's so unusual about putting a man in charge? At Alma Schrader Elementary in Cape Girardeau, it's so unusual--Shawn Brooks really stands out. The fourth grade teacher is the only man heading up a classroom at the school, and the first male teacher Schrader's had in 10 years.

KFVS - Cape Girardeau, MO, USA

Read the article and watch the video.

Friday, September 15, 2006

New Zealand: Male Teacher Numbers Continue To Decline

Latest figures on teaching show the number of men in the profession is continuing to shrink.

About two out of ten primary school teachers are men.

United Future’s deputy leader, Judy Turner, says the latest figures should be ringing alarm bells.

She says they mean that about a third of children may go through their primary schooling without ever having a male teacher.

Ms Turner says male teachers are desperately needed in primary schools to provide positive male role models for children, especially boys.

University of Auckland’s Dean of Education, John Langley, backs this renewed call for more men in the classroom.

He says there's no evidence that men are better teachers, but it is about having a balance especially at a time when there are many single parent families. - Havelock Nth, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Many kids will never have a male teacher

Many kids will never have a male teacher

United Future deputy leader Judy Turner today sounded the alarm over the disturbingly low number of male primary school teachers throughout New Zealand.

“We desperately need male teachers in primary schools to provide both quality care and education, and provide positive male role models for our young children, particularly boys," said Mrs turner, a former primary teacher.

"Nationally, 18% of all primary school teachers were male for the years 2003-2006, down from 19% in 2002.

"Last year’s national intake suggests that things are not getting any better, and figures of beginning teachers entering primary schools show that 1,133 females began teaching in 2005, compared with only 267 males. (press release) - New Zealand

Read the press release.

Many kids will never have a male teacher

Many kids will never have a male teacher

United Future deputy leader Judy Turner today sounded the alarm over the disturbingly low number of male primary school teachers throughout New Zealand.

"We desperately need male teachers in primary schools to provide both quality care and education, and provide positive male role models for our young children, particularly boys," said Mrs turner, a former primary teacher.

"Nationally, 18% of all primary school teachers were male for the years 2003-2006, down from 19% in 2002.

"Last year's national intake suggests that things are not getting any better, and figures of beginning teachers entering primary schools show that 1,133 females began teaching in 2005, compared with only 267 males.

"This is a huge problem that has not been adequately addressed or acknowledged by the Government. (press release) - New Zealand

Read the article.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Lessons In Diversity

Mario Barkley recently began his second year as a teacher at Hampton High School, his alma mater.

Barkley's government and U.S. history students ask him all sorts of questions: Did you play sports in high school? What was college like? Are you married?

"They're trying not only to relate to you but to put themselves in your shoes," said the 25-year-old teacher, who, like many of his students, is black.

"In this area, you have a lot of kids who don't have positive male role models. Their male role models might be a rapper or an athlete," said Barkley, who graduated from the College of William and Mary in 2004. "I'm just like them. I came from a middle-class home and had a single mother. ... If I can be a successful professional, so can you."

Daily Press - Newport News, VA, USA

Read the article.

A new mission

Sixth grader Anna Belue’s social studies class at Landrum Middle School is a little different from most social studies classes.

When her teacher, Jeff Johns, points to different places on maps and globes, he can talk from personal experience.

“I can tell them that I put my hands on the pyramid,” Johns said.
That’s the benefit of having a retired Army colonel as your social studies teacher.

“We’re like ‘woah,’” Belue said. “We can’t believe it.”

Belue and the other students light up when Johns tells them of his experiences. Their reactions are the main reason that Johns retired from the Army after 27 years to teach sixth graders.

“It was an opportunity to make a difference in kids’ lives,” Johns said. “It was a calling.”

‘Patriotic obligation.’

Teaching wasn’t the Raleigh, N.C., native’s first calling, however. Johns, 49, graduated in 1979 from Appalachian State University, where he served in the ROTC while in school.

Tryon Daily Bulletin - Tryon, NC, USA

Read the article.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Male Teachers Disappearing

This is a special class in more ways than one. The music, smiles and laughter, but most important, this 3rd grade teacher is a guy...and you don't see too many of these any more.

Sandra Ramirez thinks it's easy to like the difference.

She says, “He's very funny and smiley and sometimes he speaks Spanish. I teach him some Spanish stuff.”

Dr. R, as they call him, used to work at a college. But, after teaching here for 4 years, he wouldn't trade it for the world, even though it is a challenge teaching an Early Intervention Program for at-risk kids.
WNEG - Toccoa, GA, USA

Read the article.

Alpha Phi Alpha Plans Action on Black Male Issues

Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc., the nation's largest black fraternity, is developing a national strategic plan aimed at addressing such problems as the low numbers of black males majoring in education and black men's disproportionate health issues.
Black College Wire - Washington, DC, USA

Read the article.

Wanted in classrooms: Men

Some children were a little nervous about being in Frank Bott's fourth-grade classroom at Lawson Elementary in Johnston — and not because he has a reputation for being tough. It was the first day of his teaching career.

The problem is that many students today have never had a male teacher. The percentage of men in classrooms in Iowa and around the nation has plummeted. In 1985-86, 36.5 percent of Iowa public-school teachers were men, according to the Iowa Department of Education. That compares to 27.4 percent in 2004-05. In private schools, the percentage of men is even lower — 19.8 percent. - Des Moines, IA, USA

Read the editorial.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Study: Teacher's gender affects learning

WASHINGTON — For all the differences between the sexes, here's one that might stir up debate in the teacher's lounge: Boys learn more from men and girls learn more from women.

That's the upshot of a provocative study by Thomas Dee, an associate professor of economics at Swarthmore College and visiting scholar at Stanford University. His study was to appear Monday in Education Next, a quarterly journal published by the Hoover Institution.

Vetted and approved by peer reviewers, Dee's research faces a fight for acceptance. Some leading education advocates dispute his conclusions and the way in which he reached them.

But Dee says his research supports his point, that gender matters when it comes to learning. Specifically, as he describes it, having a teacher of the opposite sex hurts a student's academic progress.

"We should be thinking more carefully about why," he said.

Dee warns against drawing fast conclusions based on his work. He is not endorsing single-sex education, or any other policy.

Rather, he hopes his work will spur more research into gender's effect and what to do about it.

His study comes as the proportion of male teachers is at its lowest level in 40 years. Roughly 80% of teachers in U.S. public schools are women.

Dee's study is based on a nationally representative survey of nearly 25,000 eighth-graders that was conducted by the Education Department in 1988. Though dated, the survey is the most comprehensive look at students in middle school, when gender gaps emerge, Dee said.

USA Today - USA

Read the article.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Where are the men? Poor pay, low status, suspicions are blamed

Gregg Huddlestone has been teaching kindergartners at Peters Elementary in Plantation for 24 years, enough time to hear all the stereotypes about male teachers who dare to enter the classroom. Not once has he thought of forsaking his students for higher-paying jobs.

''I have always liked to work with children, especially young children,'' says Huddlestone, father of three and a former guidance counselor. ``They're much more moldable and you can get them started on a positive road to liking school.''

Dave Garcia is a former Marine, Peace Corps volunteer and a sheet metal fabricator with undergraduate degrees in sociology and anthropology and a master's in education. He teaches shop to kids at Ferguson High in West Dade.

''The best thing for me is the work environment,'' Garcia says. ``I enjoy working with the students and I'm passing on skills I love.''

Miami Herald - FL, USA

Read the article.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Ranks of male teachers, principals shrinking

Men are disappearing from elementary schools.

Two trends are converging to lower their representation in K-8 classrooms: More women are stepping up to become principals, and fewer men are becoming teachers.

In Arizona, almost 60 percent of grade school principals and nearly 90 percent of teachers are women. Six years ago, the majority of principals were men. Some schools have no men, meaning kids may not have a male teacher or principal until middle or high school. It's the same picture nationally.

Arizona Republic - Phoenix, AZ, USA

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Head Start - Male Teacher

JOSH ABRAHAMS LOVES HIS JOB. He may not make a lot of money, but the work he does is important. He is the lead teacher in the 3-, 4- and 5-year-old class at the Columbia University Head Start in Manhattan’s Washington Heights neighborhood.

This morning, like most, he’s arrived early to get a jump-start on the day. While he heats up a cup of coffee in the classroom’s microwave, he takes out a yard-long piece of taped-together construction paper and secures it to the wall by the front door. It outlines some of the activities his children will choose from today: blocks, library, writing table, dramatic play, discovery table, painting.

Delta SKY Magazine - May 2006

Read the article.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Black teacher's rehiring sought

A Louisville-based social justice group is calling on Kentucky Education Commissioner Gene Wilhoit to reinstate an African-American teacher who was not rehired by Simpson County schools for the coming school year.

The decision not to rehire Lonnie Winston, a special-education teacher and basketball coach at Franklin-Simpson Middle School, has prompted an outcry in the community, where a forum on the issue drew about 150 parents, students and teachers.

Louisville Courier-Journal - Louisville, KY, USA

Read the article.

Friday, July 21, 2006

How to close academic gap

More than 30 people gathered in the gym of the Bragg Hill Family Center for an important discussion last night--how to address shortfalls in the education of African-American children.

Educators, parents and concerned residents met for the third in a series of events put on by the Coalition of Concerned Citizens, a consortium of Fredericksburg city and Spotsylvania and Stafford County schools, local churches, and civic organizations.

The coalition's mission is to improve the academic achievement of African-American students.

Read the article.

The Free Lance-Star - Fredericksburg, VA, USA

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Larger-than-life teacher made a real impact

I was reading the obituaries, as I do every day since I turned 50, when I saw it. Bruce R. Church of Fairport, July 11, 2005. Mr. Church was my seventh-grade teacher at Kodak Park School 41 in 1965. I remember him as if it were yesterday.

I have been lucky to have had wonderful mentors, but Mr. Church had the most profound effect. I used to think it was because he was the first male teacher I had, and I'm sure that had something to do with it.

Read the article.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle - Rochester, NY, USA

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mixed Report on Black Males' Progress

Amid all of the gloomy news about the plight of Black males, there are some bright spots, according to a recent study, “The Truth About Boys and Girls.”

Although the statistics from the Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) used in the study show Black boys are still disproportionately behind their White counterparts and Black girls, the report notes that there is some improvement among Black males in reading, math and geography.

Amsterdam News - Baltimore, MD, USA

Read the article.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sick, tired teachers boycott classes

MANGCONGCO Primary School teachers have engaged in a class boycott complaining about a litany of problems which remain unresolved at the school.

Top of their grievances is lack of electricity in the teachers’ quarters, which they allege subjects them to cold baths. The school, situated south of Bhunya within the Manzini region, is community owned.

Since Monday, pupils only come to the school to bask in the sun while teachers, all female, either sit in the staff room or loiter around.

They have vowed to continue the boycott until the school administration takes their concerns seriously. Contacted, head teacher Amos Seyama, who has been in the school for 19 years, said he was not aware of the boycott.

The teachers complained that only the head teacher’s house had electricity...

Male teachers:

The school has no male teacher except for the head teacher. “Male teachers do not stay in the school for a long time. They teach for a few months and leave for other schools,” another teacher stated.

The Swazi Observer - Mbabane, Swaziland, Africa

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Principal the only male teacher at Nulkaba

Nulkaba Public School principal, Brian Collins has a lot of female company these days.

The school principal for the past nine years, is the only male on staff at the school, with the other 23 teachers and administration staff being female.

He became the sole male staff member at the school when the assistant principal retired last year.

The school has 400 students and 15 classes, with student numbers continually growing each year and is typical of the gender ratio in schools across the State.

One school in nearby Hamilton is without any male teachers or staff members.

Men in primary education have always been scarce according to Mr. Collins.

When he undertook teacher training around 40 years ago there were 900 people in his course, with 200 males.

This experience is strikingly similar to casual teacher Harris Withers's.

Cessnock Advertiser - Cessnock, New South Wales, Australia

Read the Article.

Face to Face: A Successful Way To Recruit Men

Administrators in the California State University system had already decided “we have to go to them,” as Charles B. Reed, chancellor of the California State University System, put it.

By “them,” Reed meant California ethnic and racial groups underserved by higher education. Many high school kids from underrepresented minority groups have never been on a university campus, nor have their parents. “If you’re invited to San Francisco State on Tuesday night to Smith Hall,” says Reed, “it’s a very foreign place.”

What Reed needed was a venue that people could trust, that had been a mainstay of the community, and that could answer questions without seeming either pedantic or intimidating.

So Reed called Bishop Charles Blake, pastor of West Angeles Church of God in Christ in South Central Los Angeles, and a leading figure in black Los Angeles. West Angeles has a membership of 22,000 strong. The church has two entire choruses, and, for Reed, it offered a captive audience of thousands. Blake and Reed decided to have a meeting of the minds to discuss how to get more black students, especially men, into college.

Inside Higher Ed - Washington, DC, USA

Read the Article.

Male Teachers Can Help Boys Achieve Academic Success

There's a lot of hand-wringing going on over NCEA results that suggest girls are leaving boys in the dust at high school.

Indeed, the bald statistics show an average 10 percent gap between their achievements, including subjects such as science, once the preserve of male excellence. Less clear is the explanation for this state of affairs - what is going on, why, its seriousness, or the long-term implications.

Boys find it harder than girls to learn to read.

That much is generally accepted, but that's about where the consensus ends. While some apparently believe the education system has gone to hell in a handcart thanks to feminism run amok, others suggest the biggest problem is that boys need to grow up, forget the warrior thing and find a new masculine identity.

Hawke's Bay Today - Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

Read the article.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Recognition boosts Call Me Mister program funds

Most black male students who are pursuing teaching degrees at several state colleges never had a black male teacher when they were in elementary school, says Roy Jones, director of the Call Me Mister program.

The program, which is coordinated by Clemson University, was launched in 1999 to boost the number of black men who teach kindergarten through eighth grade in South Carolina public schools. It now has sites at five four-year and five technical colleges, including Trident Tech. Jones hopes to expand the program to include a four-year college near Charleston.

Charleston Post Courier - Charleston, SC, USA

Read the article.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Opinion: We need more Tarzans in the classroom

Sometimes it's as interesting to watch an audience as it is a performance. I'll never forget the time I was in a movie theatre to watch Tarzan with my son the artist.

Before the movie started, a row of rowdy young teenage boys three rows in front of us was annoying everyone with their coltish antics. Why they were there, no one could imagine, but there they were. The movie started; the story quickly drew us in. It drew me in because it was pressing hard on all my mother buttons. A mother gorilla's baby was killed. She rescued the infant Tarzan, who quickly grew into a spunky and brave little person despite rejection by the alpha male gorilla. Also, the art was fantastic and the dialogue was clever. It was not hard getting me to buy into Tarzan.

CBC News - Canada

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Research funded: The effect of male teachers in elementary schools

The effect of male teachers in elementary schools, relationships and retirement are just some of the 36 Western research projects to receive nearly $3 million from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

"The number of different disciplines represented shows the breadth of social sciences and humanities research and its contributions to the health and well-being of individuals and our society at-large," says Ted Hewitt, Western's Vice-President (Research and International Relations).

Western News - London, Ontario, Canada

Read the article.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Schools are in need of 'real' men: More male teachers could help children on many fronts.

Lewiston Sun Journal Published : Sunday-June 11, 2006

Have you ever wondered why there are so few men teaching in elementary schools? I suspect that most people haven't. Many probably just believe it is a commonplace and doesn't need much reflection. If you asked someone, they might respond: "That's just the way it has always been."

Traditionally, women have done most of the teaching at these grades. However, this is increasingly being scrutinized, including by many in Maine. Why are there so few men? What societal consequences does it have for our kids? What might be done to change the situation?

According to the Maine Department of Education, only 16 percent of all full-time classroom elementary teachers in 2003-2004 were men. Nationally, according to a 2003 study, only 9 percent were men. How do you explain this?

An obvious reason is that teaching doesn't pay much compared to other professions. If you get a college degree, you can earn much more money in business or engineering. The average beginning salary in 2003-2004 for a Maine teacher was $25,901, hardly enough to raise a family on.

You can also make good money in jobs that don't require a degree. Even with the decline in manufacturing jobs in recent years, many men still work in that sector of the economy. If you combine the financial reasons with a strong dose of traditionalism (where the man is supposed to be the primary breadwinner), you have an atmosphere where teaching young kids just doesn't appeal to many men.

There is another explanation that doesn't get talked about much, at least in public. It has to do with stereotypes of masculinity. To put it bluntly, teaching just isn't thought to be very masculine, particularly teaching young kids.

Boys suffer from this. They are not academically doing as well as girls in Maine's schools based on many categories. For example, they score lower on reading and writing standardized tests and are much more likely to receive special education classes.

Obviously, one cannot say that the educational struggles of boys are directly caused by a lack of male elementary teachers. However, it would be equally misleading to suggest that there is absolutely no relationship between the two either.

Having more male teachers could help alleviate a more fundamental problem: the lack of male mentors for young boys. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, in 2004 almost 25 percent of children in Maine were raised in single-mother households.

Boys need male role models that value education. As Bryan Nelson, founder of a Minnesota-based non-profit group which tries to find male teachers, states: "Children are no dummies. When they don't see any guys, other than the janitor and maybe the principal, they get this message that this is not a place that's important."

Boys need to see men who spend their time reading, thinking and communicating the joy of learning to them. If they are not present, countless boys will get lost in school and never get back on track.

Girls also suffer from a lack of male teachers at early grades. They need men in their lives that they can trust and relate to. If their father is absent, a male teacher can help fill that role. There are many organizations that recognize the importance of men on the development of girls. Dads and Daughters is one of them (

This issue needs more public exposure. There is evidence that this is occurring. The Portland Press Herald recently published a special report that addressed, in part, the scarcity of male teachers in Maine. There have also been recent press reports about this topic in Kansas, Alabama and Utah. There is also a recruitment program called MenTeach (

There are men in our own community who are training to become teachers of young kids. Bill Murray of Auburn is one. He is simultaneously pursuing degrees at Central Maine Community College, USM's L/A College and a K-8 teaching certificate. When he finishes, he hopes to teach in Auburn.

Bill decided to become a teacher for many reasons. He needed a non-physical job because of an ailment he got after long-time employment in manufacturing. He also realized that many teachers were getting close to retirement and positions would open up. A family-friendly schedule would also allow him to spend more time with his young children.

Recently, Bill did some of his field experience at Sherwood Heights Elementary School in Auburn. Along with his mentor, the staff and teachers gave him tremendous support. I asked Bill what he enjoyed most about becoming a teacher. He said "being approached and having that kid say something to you that proves to you that you've got that connection."

How can we get more Bill Murrays? One way is to squarely confront the misconception that teaching young kids is not the work of "real" men. Real men help fix a problem when they see one. All men have to do is open their eyes and begin to make the connection.

Karl Trautman is the chairperson of the department of social sciences at Central Maine Community College. He was a policy analyst with the Michigan Legislature from 1997 to 2001. He can be contacted at

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Don't stand so close to me

Remember the Police ballad of the 1980s — Don't Stand So Close to Me? It was written by Sting, the band's lead singer, who at one time was employed as a teacher. Well, if Sting were going to do an updated 2006 version, he could call it something like, "Don't Come Into My Classroom Alone or I Might Be Charged with Abusing You."

You see, when a male teacher goes to work these days, not only does he contend with society's contempt for the low status job he's taken, he often makes less money than his buddies in their "male" jobs, and now he also has to watch his every step. If a student hurts herself in the playground, is a hug appropriate? Is it possible to offer after-school help to just one student and not risk suspicious glances? With these worries it's no wonder the number of men teaching in elementary and secondary schools is declining.
CBC News - Canada

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Male teachers difficult to recruit

When certain elements of a successful upbringing aren't present in a child's home environment, the schools often answer the call in filling in the gaps.

Absent from the homes of many of Vance County children are positive male role models, and during a Vance County Schools community forum last fall, an elementary school teacher asked the district to consider hiring more male teachers at the elementary school level. Vance Schools Super-intendent Norm Shearin, however, said the district's main objective right now must be recruiting and retaining certified teachers regardless of gender.

“We'd like to have more males, you're doggon right,” Shearin said. “One of our needs is male role models.

Henderson Daily Dispatch - Henderson, NC, USA

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Resources on Men in the Child Care Field

Working in child care presents an opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of children and their families. Research supports the importance of the relationship between a caregiver and a child in a child care setting. Men in child care have a valuable role, including showing boys what they can become and providing all children with models of nurturing males. Listed alphabetically, the following is a sample of organizations and resources with information about men in the child care field. They address the barriers to involvement of men in child care and strategies for increasing the number of qualified men in the field.

Visit the National Child Care Information Center website.

Administration for Children & Families, Washington, DC, USA

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Experts say shortage of male teachers hurt students

The school year is winding down, but this is the time teachers are hired for next school year.

And there is a shortage of male teachers, especially at the elementary level.

Experts say the shortage is hurting students.

Jeff Kerr is a first-year, 1st grade teacher at Lowman Hill Elementary in Topeka.

Kerr was a construction worker before he chose to teach.

"My mother was a teacher for 33 years. She taught 2nd grade for 32 years," Kerr said. "Just growing up and seeing her, she was an inspiration to get into this field." - Topeka, KS, USA

Watch the video & read the article.

Motivation is the key to success

The question was baited. Gabe Gandy chuckled.

“If a new business came to Troy and you were offered $75,000 a year to come on board, would you?”

“Hey, that's a lot of money,” Gandy said, laughing. “I love kids and I love teaching. It's what I have wanted to do for a long time. I've been teaching two years now and, if I had to do it all over again, I would. Only I would do it better.”

Gandy is a fourth grade teacher at Troy Elementary School. He and Jim Chance are the only male faculty members who are in the classroom.

“Students here aren't really used to a male teacher and some seem to be a little intimidated,” he said. “But, others - students I don't even know - will come by and say, ‘Hey, Mr. Gandy,' so I think they are okay with me.”

And, Gandy is certainly okay with them.

Troy Messenger - Troy, AL, USA

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

National Teacher Day Spotlights Key Issues Facing Profession

Male teachers are a dwindling breed.

* A few good men. Just 24.9 percent of the nation's 3 million teachers are men. (ii)

* Slow extinction of the male teacher. The percentage of male elementary teachers (9%) and male secondary teachers (35%) has fallen gradually since 1961 and now is at the lowest level in four decades. (i)

* More money, more male teachers. States with higher teacher salaries tend to have the most male teachers. Michigan ranks first in the percentage of male teachers (37%), and ranks in the top five nationally in teacher pay. Mississippi ranks 50th in the percentage of male teachers (18%), and ranks 49th in teacher pay. (ii)

The teaching corps in public schools does not reflect the diversity of the student population.

* More teachers of color are needed. Nearly four out of every 10 students is a minority (40.5 %), yet the teaching profession is overwhelmingly white (90%). (i) Some 40 percent of all public schools have no minority teachers on staff. (iii) Additionally, fewer than half of teachers participate in professional development related to managing diversity in the classroom. (i)

* The percentage of African-American teachers is the lowest since 1971 (6%). (i) Only five percent of the nation's teachers are Hispanics, Asians or are from other ethnic groups. (i)

* Classroom success depends on cultural diversity. Some research suggests students of color perform better -- academically, personally and socially -- when taught by teachers from their own ethnic groups. (vi)

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Schools 'need to appeal to boys'

The "feminisation of the curriculum" is making boys drop worryingly behind girls at school, a leading Whangarei principal says.

Whangarei Boys' High School headmaster Al Kirk made his claim after the newly released National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) results showed Northland girls are blitzing boys academically.

Mr Kirk believed the curriculum had been feminised through an emphasis on essay writing, analysing and planning - skills that were generally girls' expertise.

"In technology boys like making things - bang, it's finished. Now you've got to design the project, talk about the design and write essays.

That doesn't appeal. Guys hate that stuff," Mr Kirk said.

Northern Advocate - Whangarei, New Zealand

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Blog: Male teachers under increased scrutiny

From The Tampa Tribune: Male kindergarten teachers are under increased scrutiny because of societal fears of pedophilia. Many male teachers feel they have to defend their choice of profession, as many people are suspicious of a man working with young children.

"I have had many people ask me why I want to teach little kids, but they ask as if there's something inappropriate in my motivation," says Samuel Williams, 38, and a kindergarten teacher at Ippolito Elementary School. "There's a real double standard."

Read the Blog.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Understanding the gender gap - part 1

Dr Paul Baker, Rector of Waitaki Boys’ High School and a member of the Ministerial Reference Group set up two years ago to guide the Government on boys' education is speaking today to a conference on Boys’ Education at Massey University Albany Campus. These are his speaking notes.

A four-year study observed how 14 young chimps in Tanzania learned, by observing their mothers, how to catch termites, using a thick stick as a tool. The mothers showed no gender preference in teaching. The daughters copied them closely while the sons "would quickly lose patience and play games". On average, the females learned the skill in 31 months; the males 58 months.

Adrienne Alton-Lee cautions about using the gender gap "as a kind of absolute measure of what matters". But, even in the Simian world, it's the gender gap by which we have come to judge male achievement - and in the human world, it is changes in the gender gap, more than any other factor, that brings us here today.

New Zealand Herald - New Zealand

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Understanding the gender gap - Part 2

No researcher has found a direct connection between teacher gender and student achievement. Some have refuted a connection by observing that the gender gap is much greater at secondary level where there are more male teachers.

If there is a connection between teacher gender and male learning, it will be more complex and subtle than that. In 1998 Farquhar outlined some of the possibilities. Male teachers are more likely to motivate boys, cater for boys' interests, provide stable male figures for students who lack them at home, and role model masculinity. NZEI commissioned and endorsed a report that reached similar conclusions.

New Zealand Herald - New Zealand

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Understanding the gender gap - part 3

..We'll conclude today looking at how the Ministry, ERO, PPTA and Academia have responded.

Whether we know it or not, most responses to the gender gap are guided by essentialism or behaviouralism.

Essentialism believes that gender is largely biologically fixed. Therefore, rather than trying to change male behaviour we must adapt to it. Boys under-achieve because there is a mismatch between boys and schools - that some, such as Christina Hoff Summers in "The War Against Boys", take to the point of conspiracy. The essentialist motto might be: "fix the schools".

Behaviouralism or constructionalism argues that sex is biological, but gender – how different sexes think and behave, is a social construct. Their evidence is that gendered behaviours differ across cultures and time. Boys under-achieve because of an aggressive, competitive, sports-oriented hegemonic male culture inimical to academic success. They will be liberated by the promotion of diverse masculinities. The behaviouralist motto might be: "Fix the boys"

Sound familiar? It is of course the nature vs nurture debate that has raged in university common rooms for a good century. Essentialists have been the conservatives or pragmatists; behaviouralists the reformers.

New Zealand Herald - New Zealand

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Dads rally for more involvement

The men joked about golf, baseball and beer.

But when it came time to discuss business, the message was clear: More dads need to be involved at Florence Elementary.

A group of fathers recently gathered at the school to talk about ways to get more involved. They also aim to encourage more fathers to volunteer at the school.

Gregg Schlaudecker, one of the fathers leading the effort to start a Dad's Club within the PTA, wants to spread the word whenever and however they can. "Dads can get to dads at the ball field or at the bar for a beer," he joked.


Herring said even most elementary school staffs tend to be female. Students that age aren't often exposed to male role models in school, he said. Of his staff of 70 at Florence, he has just one male teacher, Ned McMillan.

McMillan, who taught at Morehead Elementary for eight years before transferring to Florence two years ago, said students need a balance of male and female leadership.

"Men have a different way of solving problems, of communicating and of motivating children," he said.

Greensboro News Record - Greensboro, NC, USA

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Male kindergarten teachers often endure suspicious looks

In an era of highly publicized sex crimes against children, male kindergarten teachers have become a target for people suspicious of men who work with young children.

Some teachers say they take questions from peers about their career motivation and, sometimes, from parents. Many have sensed an increase in looks of suspicion shot their way.

Thanks to those reactions, men who hug, nurture and mold wide-eyed 5-year-olds for a living are quick to defend their integrity and career choice. Some in the small fraternity of male kindergarten teachers lately have raised their guard.

Read the article.

Bradenton Herald - FL, USA

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Column: Gender discrepancy - Sex of teacher should not be factor in charges pressed, dropped

A Florida teacher admitted to having sexual relations several times with a 14-year-old student, and prosecutors dropped charges to protect the student, who didn't want to testify in front of the media, according to Agence France Presse.

In another case, a part-time teacher at Cesar Chavez Middle School in Union City, Calif., has been charged with various sex crimes after police learned he had an intimate relationship with a student, according to

The difference in these two cases is that the teacher in Florida is a woman.

Read the Column.

Kansas State Collegian - Manhattan, KS, USA

Monday, April 10, 2006

Men in Early Childhood: Fathers & Teachers

The inclusion of men in early childhood programs has garnered considerable attention over the years. This interest is due to three related trends: 1) the lack of men – usually fathers – in the lives of many of our young children, 2) the dearth of men in the early childhood field, and 3) an increased interest in father involvement in early childhood programs.

While almost everyone agrees with the need to get men involved in the lives of young children, solutions to this dilemma are few and far between. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), 97 percent of teachers in pre-K programs are women; the same figure was reported in a Center for the Child Care Workforce study (2002). And, according to the National Education Association for Elementary Teachers, only 13 percent of elementary school teachers are men, and these men mostly teach in grades 5 and 6 (Cunningham & Dorsey, 2004).

In this article, three related issues that affect this problem will be discussed: the female culture and feminist politics of the early childhood field, what men, both teachers and fathers, really want, and the debate regarding whether men are suited to be good teachers of infants and young children. Specific suggestions for incorporating men and fathers into early childhood programs will also be included.

Read the article.

Increasingly, Male Teachers Under Scrutiny

In an era of highly publicized sex crimes against children, male kindergarten teachers have become a target for people suspicious of men who work with young children.

Some local teachers say they take questions from peers about their career motivation and, sometimes, from students' parents. Many have sensed an increase in looks of suspicion shot their way.

Thanks to those reactions, men who hug, nurture and mold wide-eyed 5-year-olds for a living are quick to defend their integrity and career choice. Some in the small local fraternity of male kindergarten teachers lately have raised their guard.

Tampa Tribune - Tampa, FL, USA

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Male teachers rare in lower grades

SUMNER — The third-graders in Chris Galgay's class have absorbed a fun lesson since last fall: Under the right circumstances, their teacher is OK with being teased. During a visit to their classroom last week, the kids cracked jokes about Galgay's balding head and his affection for Barney, the purple TV dinosaur. For a few minutes it sounded like a Friars Club roast featuring 9-year-old comedians.

Galgay, 53, took the barbs in the playful spirit in which they were intended. As the only male teacher at Hartford-Sumner Elementary School - and until recently, the only man working in the school - he's accustomed to being singled out.

"Everybody that works in this building - probably 45 people - I was the only male," Galgay recalled. - Portland, ME, USA

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

See Jane See Boys

What lessons do our very youngest children learn from kids’ movies about men and boys? On May 3, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC , Dads & Daughters’ See Jane program answers that question with a report on portrayals of boys and men in G-rated films. This will be the second report stemming from See Jane-sponsored research, the most comprehensive content analysis of G-rated movies ever conducted.

You’re invited to a May 3 reception in DC to meet See Jane founder Geena Davis, learn more about the movie study, and support See Jane’s important and comprehensive work. Visit The Databank for tickets. Learn more about See Jane at

Reported in Dads & Daughters Update April 4, 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Minority Report: Male Primary Teachers

How many blokes are sitting in your staffroom? You might have one or two; very possibly no men at all. So, what's stopping men from teaching? And what's it really like for the few who work in our schools? Teachers tracked down five male primary teachers to find out.

"I love the job, but you do need to be the right sort of man," says Paul Hollidge, a 36-year-old teaching in Taverham Junior School in Norfolk. Paul enjoys the variety of the job, but thinks not all men would relish his morning, singing opera with 30 children. Alistair Chisholm, a 24-year-old teacher at St Paul's Primary School in London, agrees, and chuckles as he remembers going from his lunch-time sports club to a lesson teaching sewing.

Teachernet - UK

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Shortage of male teachers at high point; West has one of few in state

J.L. Hammitte is one of a rare breed.

In fact he’s one of a kind in the Miss-Lou, and one of two in the state of Mississippi.

But his kindergarteners at West Primary don’t know or care that it’s out of the ordinary to have a Mr. instead of a Ms.

It’ll be later in life when they reap the benefits.

The Democrat, Natchez, MS

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Men miss the grade as male teacher numbers set to slip further

The number of male primary teachers will continue to decline into the next decade, according to a snapshot of first-year teacher enrolments at Melbourne University.

Ten days into the 2006 academic year, women outnumber men by more than four to one in all primary education degrees. For the bachelor of early childhood education, just 5.8 per cent of students are male.

The preliminary figures for 2006 follow a recent Australian Bureau of Statistics report that found the percentage of men taking primary classes nationwide slid from 24 to 20 per cent over the decade to 2005.

The Age - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Falling salaries to worsen male teacher drought

A 20-year decline in high school teacher salaries is stopping men from entering and staying in the teaching profession, according to a recent book by Australian Catholic University economics lecturer, Dr Anthony Stokes.

Titled The Influence of Wages and Nonwage Amenities on the Labour Market for High School Teachers in New South Wales and published by Greenacre Educational Publications, the book studies the effect of changes in wages and working conditions on the high school teacher labour market in NSW.

CathNews - Australia

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Men in Early Childhood: Fathers & Teachers

The inclusion of men in early childhood programs has garnered considerable attention over the years. This interest is due to three related trends: 1) the lack of men – usually fathers – in the lives of many of our young children, 2) the dearth of men in the early childhood field, and 3) an increased interest in father involvement in early childhood programs.

Read the entire article.

By Francis Wardle, Ph.D.

Needed in class: A few good men

Lowly status, poor pay, and fear of lawsuits are pushing the numbers of male teachers in US classrooms to an all-time low.

John Yaeger is the first to admit that being a teacher is challenging. He spends his days attempting to teach the basics of spelling and grammar to students who are more interested in playing video games than learning. He also devotes part of his weekend to grading papers and planning lessons.

But hard work, long hours, and modest pay are not the only challenges that Mr. Yaeger faces as a teacher: As a man working in a female-dominated profession, he must also battle stereotypes.

Read the entire article.

Christian Science Monitor
March 15, 2005

Monday, March 06, 2006

Schools fail some kids in more ways than one

... "At the moment, teaching staffs are about 85 per cent female. Many kids will never see a male teacher all through grade school. ...

Toronto Star - Canada

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Male Student Dropout Rate At Primary Schools Alarming

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 23 (Bernama) -- The high dropout rate of male students in primary schools is alarming and needs to be arrested immediately, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) said Thursday.

Commissioner Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam said in 2003, a total 10,695 male students from primary schools dropped out while in 2001 the figure stood at 8,213 students. There were equal number of dropouts for 2003 and 2002.

He said figures showed that dropouts among male students at primary schools were climbing steadily and if this was allowed to continue, it would not augur well for the nation.

Bernama - Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Male teacher finds niche

Pat Nulty wins Teacher of the Year for Eastlawn Elementary

Pat Nulty and Andy Lee walk to the playground at Eastlawn Elementary School with nine students.

On a sunny Wednesday morning in mid-February, it’s time for dodgeball.

Nulty teaches special education students. Lee, a teaching assistant, spends part of each day with Nulty and the nine boys.

Lee, who played golf at Southern Alamance High School and is still serious about the sport, has a good arm on him.

Read the article.

The Times-News, Burlington, NC

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Male elementary teachers are few

Fifth grade teacher Todd Jenkins is aware of the low testosterone level at his workplace — it’s become a fact of life for him.

Throughout college, Jenkins saw very few fellow male elementary education majors. And now in his sixth year teaching at the Sikeston R-6 Fifth Grade Center, Jenkins remembers only one other male teacher, who has since moved on from the building.

“And we had different schedules so I really didn’t get to know him,” Jenkins said.

Read the article.

Skieston Standard Democrat - Sikeston, MO, USA

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Male teacher shortage is not the problem

This article comes from Green Left Weekly on a March 24, 2004 posting:

The low numbers of male teachers highlights a significant crisis in the education system. Teachers across Australia have recently been campaigning around and taking stop-work action to address many of these problems — workloads, class sizes, contracts and pay. It is these factors that are most likely to impact on the retention of quality teachers, male or female.

Read the entire article.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Bigotry Against Men In Childcare

There’s been a bit of a fuss recently about seating of children on airplanes in New Zealand. A man who was seated next to a child travelling alone was asked to change his seat, because the airline has a policy against men sitting next to unaccompanied minors. The man objected, the fuss reached the press, the airline claimed that it was only doing what most airlines do on international flights. (Why not domestic flights?)

Read the blog.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Men remain elementary school rarity

Several factors work against male K-5 teachers, but valley educators say they’re needed

As an elementary teacher at Bridger Elementary School in northwest Logan, Mark Smith is a bit of an anomaly.

Across town, at Ellis Elementary, first-grade teacher Greg Hansen fits the definition even more.

Both are part of a small group of men who make up about a tenth of the elementary school teacher population in the valley. Even then, most of those men are in the schools’ higher grades — fourth and fifth.

Logan Herald Journal - UT, USA

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Percentage of Male Teachers Hits All-Time Low

The number of men teaching in elementary schools is at an all time low in the United States.

The National Education Association says only nine-percent of elementary teachers are men. There are even fewer minority male teachers.

But several organizations and schools are trying to reverse that trend.

Experts say in some Missouri schools, there is only one male teacher! The teacher shortage is an issue mostly in public, but also in private schools.

So it's really unusual to find an African-American male teacher who teaches 'kindergarten!'

Read the article.

Monday, October 31, 2005

WANTED: Male teachers - Missouri University program encourages men to enter secondary education

Like most elementary school classrooms in Columbia, the environment in Clint Darr’s room at Cedar Ridge Elementary School caters to children. The air smells of glue and markers. A border of red and yellow apples runs the length of each wall. A reading corner has a couch and beanbag chairs.

As the school day winds down, children clean up their desks in preparation for the final bell. Darr stands at the door as his fourth-graders file out, hunched slightly under their book bags.

Columbia Missourian - Columbia, MO, USA

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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Perspectives on Family: Breaking kindergarten stereotypes

My son Dorsey started kindergarten last month. It's been a pretty smooth transition - no crying or clinging or abnormal wailing and toy-flinging at home.

In fact, his nonchalant exit from the car the first morning of school made me weep with a strange mixture of depression and elation.

Assisting in the transition is his male kindergarten teacher, an easygoing, amiable man who so far has demonstrated an interest in the Beatles, Dr. Seuss, puppetry and physical fitness. - Richmond, VA, USA

Read the article.

Perspectives on Family: Breaking kindergarten stereotypes

My son Dorsey started kindergarten last month. It's been a pretty smooth transition - no crying or clinging or abnormal wailing and toy-flinging at home.

In fact, his nonchalant exit from the car the first morning of school made me weep with a strange mixture of depression and elation.

Assisting in the transition is his male kindergarten teacher, an easygoing, amiable man who so far has demonstrated an interest in the Beatles, Dr. Seuss, puppetry and physical fitness. - Richmond, VA, USA

Read the article.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

TDA’s drive to recruit more male primary school teachers

Teacher Support Network response to TDA’s drive to recruit more male primary school teachers.

In response to a new drive by the Training and Development Agency (TDA) for men to train as primary school teachers, Patrick Nash, Teacher Support Network’s Chief Executive, said:

"Teacher Support Network welcomes the implementation of the male primary school advisory panel, which aims to attract more men into primary teaching...

Teacher Support Network (press release) - London, England, UK

Read the Article.

Male teacher shortage - UK starts campaign to end shortage

Nearly half of the children in primary schools have no contact with male teachers, according to the agency in charge of training the profession.

Only 15 in 100 teachers of infant and primary age children are men, leaving many schools without a male role model on the teaching staff. - United Kingdom

Read the Article.

Call for male primary teachers - Most parents want more male teachers

A drive to recruit more male primary teachers in England is being launched by the Training and Development Agency for Schools.

The TDA is trying to redress the gender imbalance in the profession at primary school level.

It has carried out research which suggests 83% of parents would like to see more men in primary teaching.

Currently just 15.7% of all primary school teachers in England are men.

Read the article.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Teacher’s body wants paternity leave

Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) yesterday announced it would push for paternity leave for its members in line with emerging trends in other countries.

Union secretary general Francis Ng’ang’a said the leave would allow male teachers to take care of their wives after delivering.

Standard - Nairobi, Kenya

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A few good men: Male teachers in elementary schools are a rarity, leading to a lack of role models

In his first year of teaching, 29 years ago, Martin Vieyra and a custodian were the only men in his school building.

"I've been around female teachers my entire career," said Vieyra, a first-grade teacher at Hutchinson's Wiley Elementary School. "They've always outnumbered men."

Hutchinson News - Hutchinson, KS, USA

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Where are the male teachers?

If elementary school teachers were a species, Will Marengo would be endangered.

Marengo, 47, a fourth-grade teacher at Brentwood Elementary School, is among a declining number of male teachers.

Pensacola News Journal - Pensacola, FL, USA

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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Parents stall ‘sincere’ [male] teacher transfer

The management of a primary school in Nadia has declared the institution closed for six days since September 5 following protests by guardians of students over the transfer of the only male teacher.
Calcutta Telegraph - Calcutta, India

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Friday, September 09, 2005

Teaching kindergarten has always been a goal for Nick Shea

Nick Shea prepared his classroom at Lady Mackenzie Public School for the first day of school.

He's in his second year of teaching, but this is his first full-time, permanent position.

Mr. Shea is a bit of an anomaly. He is not just a teacher in a primary grade, but he is a kindergarten teacher. He knows of just one other male kindergarten teacher in the Trillium Lakelands District School Board, in the Bracebridge area.

Lindsay This Week - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Male Teaching at 40-year Low

The changing face of American teachers has reached another milestone. The number of men teaching in public schools is at it's lowest level in 40-years. It's a trend that has parents and educators concerned.

KSLA-TV - Shreveport, LA, USA

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

More men move to the head of the class: Some area schools have their first male teachers in years.

It doesn't bother Sam Richardson that he's one of only three male teachers at W.E. Cundiff Elementary School in Vinton. Last year only one man taught at the school, and other Roanoke County elementary schools are seeing their first male teachers in years.

Roanoke Times - Roanoke, VA, USA

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Female teachers far outnumber men in elementary schools

While all local educational administrators hire teachers based on qualifications, at the elementary school level that person more often turns out to be a woman.

Portsmouth Herald News - Portsmouth, NH, USA

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Monday, August 22, 2005

Finding more role models: Schools hope to gain black male teachers

Curtis Williams never had a black male teacher when he grew up in Milwaukee, nor did he ever imagine he would eventually become one.

Beaufort Gazette - Beaufort, SC, USA

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Manhunt: Schools try to attract more male teachers

When she interviews teaching candidates, principal Laurel Telfer favors the ones who show they have a heart for children, not just solid instructional skills.

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Chicago SunTimes - USA

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Positivity, goal-setting permeate Seton classes

As Stefan Calisto sees it, he's already one up on the rest of the teachers at Seton Catholic Elementary School's west building.

Richmond, IN USA

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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Joliet's first black male teacher dies at 83

Henry Pennymon, the first black male teacher, dean and coach at Joliet Township High School, has died. He was 83.

The Herald News, Chicago, IL. USA

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Students Reject Push For Male Teachers

...Under the government's plan to boost male teacher numbers in schools, 500 teaching scholarships worth $2,000 each will be offered to male first-year primary...

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Three In Ten Men (27%) Would Work With Young Children

Nearly three in ten men (27%) would consider working in the childcare sector, and one in four boys expresses an interest in entering the 'caring ' professions - yet only one in fifty childcare workers are men, a new report released today by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) shows.

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Panthers And Their Young

According to EBSCOHost, this article, "Discusses how football players Mike Minter and Mike Rucker created a learning and day care center for children called Ruckus House. Curriculum that was devised for the children: How the day care was created; Cost of programs for children at Ruckus House; Plans for more centers to be created."

Cherrin, A., Kennedy, K., and Schecter, B. (2005, July 11). Panthers and Their Young. Sports Illustrated, Vol. 103, 2, p. 49.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Excited To Begin A Teaching Career

Eastern-Greene Elementary School will be the home of a new teacher who is already a familiar face to many of the students.

Linton Daily Citizen - Linton, IN, USA

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Shortage of males worries parents

Parents are asking Bay primary and intermediate schools to put their children in male-taught classrooms amid fears they are missing out on positive role models.

MyTown Bay of Plenty - Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Male Call At Pre-K

What a hoot watching Arnold Schwarzenegger try to corral a class of little kids in the movie 'Kindergarten Cop.'

Makes you wonder if it would be as funny if you showed up at preschool to find your 4-year-old taught by a man.

The guys who are in that job say they know what you might think.
Tampa Bay Online, Tampa, FL. USA

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Friday, June 24, 2005

Schools call on more men to be child carers

The government plans a fivefold increase in the number of male child care workers. National advertising campaigns tailored to men and male-only training courses will be used to recruit the extra staff.

Around 163,000 new child care workers will be required to provide the government’s planned pre- and after-school supervision, but some warn there will have to be a massive shift in public attitudes towards men working with children to encourage more men to apply.

The Guardian

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